Yesterday was my first time of photoshooting in a studio. When Derrick, my photographer friend who shot my last photoshoot in full house, asked me whether I'm interested in trying studio photoshooting a week before, I've said yes immediately without hesitating! This is what I'm longing to try on! Outdoor shooting is awesome too but I still felt very awkward and my body will be kind of stiff when people are staring. Whilst in a studio, there are only photographers, models, make up and hairstylists, lighting and music only. I can pose more naturally. I'm happy that after the shooting session, when we were talking nonsense there, the another two photographers, Clarence and Rev (who I don't know at first, I only know Derrick) said I doesn't look like first time shooting in studio. Wow, thank you guys! I think it's because the photographers and models are all very friendly so I won't be so shy in front of them. Hehe.
So this is the feeling when the artists taking their jacket photos, magazines etc? Hmmph... It's kind of... feeling good. Haha seriously. Though I was very tired, but look at the photos, it's worth the pain. When I look at the photos of behind the scene, haha it's exactly like Dong Bang Shin Ki's off shot movie muahahahaha. So cute.
Thanks to Derrick who gave me this chance to experience a new different thing! XOXO!
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